Wednesday, March 26, 2014

So, what did I do for Spring Break you may ask?.....

First off, I wanted to apologize for not being able to write a post on here. I know I said I would at least post once a day even if it was a one sentence line. However, life happened. And with life I have no control. My professors just seemed to be giving me lots of assignments and then I also had to go shopping and try to find outfits for my spring break.

My spring break was last week and I must say it did go by fast! I did feel as though I was gone from school for the longest time. Nonetheless, I really needed a break from school and studying and papers. I also needed to get out of Chico, so I went back home.

I went back home and my siblings and I took a weekend trip to Lake Tahoe. We rented a really, really nice condo. On Saturday we went sledding, sightseeing and played in the snow and on Sunday we went least attempted to snowboard....

I have been trying to keep up with making youtube videos, it's something that really makes me happy, I like making videos. Today I was able to create a vlog and I just uploaded the video. I pretty much talk about my spring break and what I did. I encourage you guys to check my video out, Spring Break Vlog, I've been playing with different features on my iMovie app. and it's just been a really fun time. I can't wait to do more different types of videos.

Thank you for reading my blog!! 
You guys rock!!

kisses xoxo

Monday, March 10, 2014

So Much Positive Feedback

Hey beautiful people! Yesterday after I posted my blog where I gave more details
about my internship I got a lot of positive feedback!!

I was so pleased to see that a lot of people were supporting me with this tough
subject. It really is considered a taboo subject here in America and a lot of
people are wearing blinders where they don't see and don't want to see that this
is affecting people everywhere. It could be your neighbors, your child's teacher
even your best friend. A lot of people don't come forward that they have been
sexually assaulted because they feel at fault and feel ashamed. When really they
were at the wrong place at the wrong time. Society has brainwashed us to blame
the victims and point fingers saying things like, "She was asking for it, she
wore that short dress!" But really, the person to blame is the perpetrator for
not controlling their impulses. Women shouldn't be afraid to wear a sexy outfit
when they are going out to a night club or be afraid to walk at night. The best
way to attempt to stop rape cases from increasing is to be aware. The media has
taught all of us that women want to be submissive and want "it"! But we need to
step back and look at the big picture and see that these individuals who have
been molested and/or raped are suffering and turn to drugs and alcohol and
become homeless. They don't just become homeless, they have gone through
something so horrendous that it has made them walk away from being themselves
and totally check out. This in turn affects our communities because the now
homeless addicts are stealing from common people who think of them as a waste of

As a person who has become aware about this important matter, I'm helping spread 
the word. I ask that you too help by telling your friends and family, help spread like the ripple effect :)

Muah xoxo

Sunday, March 9, 2014

A Little About My Internship

So for those of you who don't know, I'm attending college and working my way to attain a B.A. in Psychology. I want to possibly get a minor in Criminal Justice, but I haven't quite decided yet if that's what I want to do. I took it upon myself to search for an internship job that would help me get the experience that I would need once I graduate. After looking around I did find one that would give me the experience I would need and it was just a really good opportunity for me. I chose to be an intern with the Rape Crisis Intervention Center.

At first I was a little skeptical, it is a subject that is not very much talked about in our society and so that scared me a little bit. Also, I would have to commit a lot of my time to it, without getting paid, 6 months with 36 hrs each month worth of commitment. So in order for me to start working on the Rape Crisis Line I had to do 55 hours of training. Which is acceptable, since I had no knowledge really about how to help a person who is in crisis. 

During the training I learned so much. I also met lots of willing and committed interns who were going through the same training as I was, which was a relief in a way. I wasn't going to be doing this alone. The training wasn't easy, it was actually hard at some points, especially on Saturdays. We discussed subjects that were very hard to discuss, and I'll admit I did find myself crying at times along with my fellow interns. I didn't realize that rape was such a HUGE issue here in America, and in the world. It just really opened my eyes and made it more real for me. People's bodies are being violated everyday and some of these people who go through these tragic events will never be the same again. Their life changes. That was what got me the most, how could someone go and take all of a person's power and violate them in their most personal space? 

It just disgusts me and it made it clear for me, that this is going to be a great opportunity and that I would not only get experience but also be able to make a difference and help a lot of people in my community.

Yesterday was my last day of training and now I will begin taking phone calls on the Rape Crisis Hotline. I got my badge now, that I can wear when I have to go on out calls to the hospital, police station or court. I also got a certificate that verifies that I'm now a, "Rape Crisis Center Advocate." I'm just so proud of myself for doing this and holding on until the very end, because I'll be the first to say it, I almost quit twice. It was that difficult! Now I can help those in need and get hours towards my internship and it will all be rewarding to me. 

If you guys ever want to talk to me about your own situation, I just wanted you to know that I'm here for you, and I can loan you a hearing ear, not through the Rape Crisis Center, but as a friend. Because, from my training, now I know what it's like for someone to have to go through this. 

Thanks for reading my blog and I hope you guys have a safe weekend!

Kisses xoxo

Below I have included picture of my really cool badge and my certificate

Here is the back side of my badge. It just has my picture so that hospital staff or police officers can make sure i'm Rosey when I go on out calls. Also state some codes that protect me as an advocate and state what I can do.

This is the front side of my badge, pretty much just has my name and states that I'm an Advocate for the Rape Crisis Center :)

I apologize for the picture, I look very blah, it was taken on a Saturday morning during one of the trainings.

Here is my certificate, stating that I completed the State Certified Sexual Assault Counselor program for Advocate Training!

I'm just really excited that I can start working and start helping people. 

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Super Busy

Sorry guys! I haven't had much of a chance to come on here and let you know how life is. I have about half an hour without having to do anything so i'm updating my blog!!

I've been incredibly busy with my classes, it seems all my professors are trying to get assignments out to us in order to get them back in before spring break in a week. I really hate it when they do that! Life of a college student....

I've also been really busy going to 16 hours a week of training for my internship. I actually have my final today and then I get my state license to be able to help people. That's what all my training has been leading to and I'm really excited to get started! This most definitely is a right step in the right direction and will look amazingly good on my resume. 

I don't know about where you guys live, but here in Northern California it has been raining like crazy! I took a nap after dinner yesterday and woke up to do some homework and all of a sudden I heard huge roars and saw light flashing from behind my blinds. It sounded so loud and felt like an earthquake almost. Like the sound felt like an earthquake and almost make the house shake....almost but it really did feel like an earthquake to some degree. 
It terrified my poor Bambi as well as me, especially because it caught us off guard. 

Anyways, hope you guys are doing well and don't forget to smile!

Kisses xoxo