Thursday, December 18, 2014

I'm Going To Mexico!!!

So for those of you who don’t know already, I’m taking a vacay and going to Mexico for my winter break….. well, actually half of my winter break. I’m going for two weeks!!! I cannot begin to tell you how excited I am about going. I haven’t been there in years. I’m ready to experience Mexico in a different way. My parents would take me and my sisters to Mexico about every 2 years when I was younger, but I haven’t gone in about 10 years!!!
The reason I say it will be a different experience is because I will be going with just my sisters. Now that we are all older and are able to travel on our own it will most definitely be a different experience. Of course we will stop by and visit my lovely family who lives there but we will also explore new and fun places! Places that we couldn’t go as children.

That being said, I’m super excited and I can’t wait. I will be there Friday night!! I still have yet to pack and my house is a mess at the moment. I did an update video on my YouTube channel and talked about how the last two weeks have been crazy! I have been studying and having sleepless nights and my laundry had been building up. So thanks to me not keeping up with it, I now have a fun filled evening or early morning of doing laundry. If I don’t do laundry, then I don’t have a few pieces of clothes that I want to take with me on my trip. I tried to go shopping but had little luck because I really wasn’t in the mood to shop… don’t you hate when that happens?

But…. I will not let this ruin my excitement. I’m slowly taking my time doing laundry and luckily my apartment has a washer and dryer, so I am able to wash my clothes and have the freedom of watching TV or surfing the internet. So since I have time, I chose to update my blog readers (you lovelies) about my trip and that’s what I’m doing now. Next, I think I will catch up on some YouTube videos that I haven’t had a chance to watch.

I’m going to try my hardest to vlog during my trip but since I haven’t been there in so long, I will try to be in the moment and not use my phone or camera. But I will try to capture a few moments here and there.

Okay guys! I will leave you with that update since I have a ton of stuff to do by tomorrow afternoon! Yay!! Mexico!! Can’t wait!! Talk to you guys next year ;)
Happy Holidays

Rosey xoxo

Monday, December 1, 2014

New Year New Me?!?

So, I wanted to start off by expressing my deep apologies for not being active on my blog since this past summer! I've been really busy with school and my youtube channel that I started in May! I love expressing myself through my facebook, instagram and my youtube channel, but sometimes doing it through writing seems a lot more easier than photos, videos or short statues'.

Many of you don't know this, but yet some do, but I've gained about 25 to 30 pound this year! My weight has been juggling a lot lately and for the last few months it has remained at my current weight. I'm not totally unhappy with my weight but I would love to go back to the size that I once was. When my weight was juggling back and forth was when I was working out and eating healthy. But then, all of sudden I would give up and stop going to the gym, I felt that it was useless and I wasn't getting any results and then I would gain a few pounds.
On top of that I have been really stressed out with school lately and I would reach for junk food as my comfort food to help ease my stressed out self and make me continue on with whatever task I had at the time. Then I work out again loose some weight, but it wasn't long before I would gain weight back. 

This past week, I had the opportunity to go visit my family. My sister who is a couple years younger than I has been religiously going to the gym. I mean 5 days a week a few hours a day. Her and her husband go and have not made a habit out of ditching the gym. Trust me, they make sure they go get their workout sesh! After all, their gym is open 24/7!! I noticed how toned and fit my sister and brother-in-law were which made me feel unhappy about the way I looked.

Let's be honest! Guys, unless their workout beasts eat whatever they want when they want, and my boyfriend is no exception. When he totally gave up on going to the gym that's when if rubbed off on me. I don't want to make any excuses.... but really.... that's really when I stopped going to the gym. I felt unmotivated. It didn't help that he told me that I was beautiful each and everyday. Had he not told me that I might have felt a little motivation to get up and go to the gym.... i'm not saying that he shouldn't tell me he loves me and thinks I'm beautiful because I gained weight, a guy who truly loves you no matter what should always let you know you're beautiful. 
His eating habits were also rubbing off on me!! and I'm talking bad eating habits! I learned to eat just because he said it was time to eat, but not because I was hungry. I wanted to spend time with my significant other and if it meant enjoying some yummy food together, than why not?!

Fast forward to my thanksgiving break! As I spent time with my sister, I noticed her eating habits. She would eat if she was hungry. If anyone asked her, "Hey let's go get a bite to eat," she would tell it like it is. "I'm not hungry." She would of course not miss out on lunch date, but instead would enjoy a drink while I ate. I also noticed that her portions were smaller. Not significantly smaller, but smaller. That right there made me realize that I have been serving myself larger portions and eating all my food, because I hate wasting food! I realized that I had to take back control of my life. If I'm not happy and just "ok" I need to actually do something about it. I need to control how much I eat and when I eat!

I talked to my boyfriend, and he himself said that he also needed to get back in shape. So we decided that we would help motivate each other and go to the gym together!

Today is really the first day I have started this so called new diet per se, or a lifestyle! I woke up and made myself a cup of coffee and a bagel, because guess what? I'm hungry!!! I'm one to always eat breakfast because I wake up really hungry! It's 7:30am as I type this and I usually don't eat again until 12:30pm on Mondays! But today I will only eat if i'm actually hungry.

We are finally in the month December!!! With December comes food! Lots of it!! So I won't officially start my new lifestyle until the new year, but I will begin to practice so that when New Year's comes, I'm all set and ready and it won't be hard for me to follow through on my goal!

Muah xoxo

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Blood Moon Ohhh My!

So tonight around 10:30pm my boyfriend and I decided to hunt for the moon. Luckily we didn't have to leave the comfort of our apartment and were able to slide open our porch door and pull out our camera and record the so called, "Blood Moon!"

I was excited because I'd been hearing about this "Moon" for the last two weeks on my social media sites as well as on the news. So I was really looking forward to it.

My boyfriend and I witnessed the lunar eclipse happen the moon began as a white moon and slowly it began to show a shade of blue as the eclipse began to occur. It really did look blue. I was a little bummed at first because I thought the moon was supposed to turn red, blood red for that matter.

I'm an impatient person, so I kept on switching back and fourth from working on my homework assignments to gazing at the moon. I was even multi-tasking (even more) by watching the lunar eclipse live.

Eventually, the moon was darkened by the shadows of the sun and appeared red. Well, not totally red, I would say more of an orange color maybe brown dust color. But it was definitely not white and shiny anymore. I was in awe and I even caught it on tape!

I am just so grateful that I was able to witness and experience this lunar eclipse along with everyone else who stayed up to catch a glimpse of it. I felt honored that I was able to see this "Moon" with my own eyes. It's different seeing it for yourself than seeing it on screen. It's just a mind-blowing experience. It was AMAZING!! Hope you guys were able to watch it in person too.

Here is my "Blood Moon" short video clip. Hope you guys like it! 

Besitos xo

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

What I have been up to...

I'm really, really bad at blogging, but I do update my instagram daily, so if you haven't followed me yet, please follow me at:

I have a ton of assignments I need to be doing right now, specifically one that is due today at 1pm. However, I did take a little break from that to update my blog. So, this past weekend, I went to LAS VEGAS baby!! Ohhh my god!! It was super duper fun and I got to do so many things! I'm planning on making a video and posting it on my channel, but that won't be until this weekend or maybe next weekend. I have 2 papers to write and an exam this Friday. In addition, I have a presentation I need to prepare for that will be on April 21st I believe. Ohhhh my! 

And to top it all off, poor little me caught a bug and am now sick with the flu and my bf as well. But, I can't complain too much, I did have fun in Vegas and that's probably where I caught this awful bug, but now I must deal with it and do what I have to do. 

Thanks for reading guys, I will also write a blog about my trip to Vegas soon, and will post lots and lots of pix. 

Muah xoxo

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

So, what did I do for Spring Break you may ask?.....

First off, I wanted to apologize for not being able to write a post on here. I know I said I would at least post once a day even if it was a one sentence line. However, life happened. And with life I have no control. My professors just seemed to be giving me lots of assignments and then I also had to go shopping and try to find outfits for my spring break.

My spring break was last week and I must say it did go by fast! I did feel as though I was gone from school for the longest time. Nonetheless, I really needed a break from school and studying and papers. I also needed to get out of Chico, so I went back home.

I went back home and my siblings and I took a weekend trip to Lake Tahoe. We rented a really, really nice condo. On Saturday we went sledding, sightseeing and played in the snow and on Sunday we went least attempted to snowboard....

I have been trying to keep up with making youtube videos, it's something that really makes me happy, I like making videos. Today I was able to create a vlog and I just uploaded the video. I pretty much talk about my spring break and what I did. I encourage you guys to check my video out, Spring Break Vlog, I've been playing with different features on my iMovie app. and it's just been a really fun time. I can't wait to do more different types of videos.

Thank you for reading my blog!! 
You guys rock!!

kisses xoxo

Monday, March 10, 2014

So Much Positive Feedback

Hey beautiful people! Yesterday after I posted my blog where I gave more details
about my internship I got a lot of positive feedback!!

I was so pleased to see that a lot of people were supporting me with this tough
subject. It really is considered a taboo subject here in America and a lot of
people are wearing blinders where they don't see and don't want to see that this
is affecting people everywhere. It could be your neighbors, your child's teacher
even your best friend. A lot of people don't come forward that they have been
sexually assaulted because they feel at fault and feel ashamed. When really they
were at the wrong place at the wrong time. Society has brainwashed us to blame
the victims and point fingers saying things like, "She was asking for it, she
wore that short dress!" But really, the person to blame is the perpetrator for
not controlling their impulses. Women shouldn't be afraid to wear a sexy outfit
when they are going out to a night club or be afraid to walk at night. The best
way to attempt to stop rape cases from increasing is to be aware. The media has
taught all of us that women want to be submissive and want "it"! But we need to
step back and look at the big picture and see that these individuals who have
been molested and/or raped are suffering and turn to drugs and alcohol and
become homeless. They don't just become homeless, they have gone through
something so horrendous that it has made them walk away from being themselves
and totally check out. This in turn affects our communities because the now
homeless addicts are stealing from common people who think of them as a waste of

As a person who has become aware about this important matter, I'm helping spread 
the word. I ask that you too help by telling your friends and family, help spread like the ripple effect :)

Muah xoxo

Sunday, March 9, 2014

A Little About My Internship

So for those of you who don't know, I'm attending college and working my way to attain a B.A. in Psychology. I want to possibly get a minor in Criminal Justice, but I haven't quite decided yet if that's what I want to do. I took it upon myself to search for an internship job that would help me get the experience that I would need once I graduate. After looking around I did find one that would give me the experience I would need and it was just a really good opportunity for me. I chose to be an intern with the Rape Crisis Intervention Center.

At first I was a little skeptical, it is a subject that is not very much talked about in our society and so that scared me a little bit. Also, I would have to commit a lot of my time to it, without getting paid, 6 months with 36 hrs each month worth of commitment. So in order for me to start working on the Rape Crisis Line I had to do 55 hours of training. Which is acceptable, since I had no knowledge really about how to help a person who is in crisis. 

During the training I learned so much. I also met lots of willing and committed interns who were going through the same training as I was, which was a relief in a way. I wasn't going to be doing this alone. The training wasn't easy, it was actually hard at some points, especially on Saturdays. We discussed subjects that were very hard to discuss, and I'll admit I did find myself crying at times along with my fellow interns. I didn't realize that rape was such a HUGE issue here in America, and in the world. It just really opened my eyes and made it more real for me. People's bodies are being violated everyday and some of these people who go through these tragic events will never be the same again. Their life changes. That was what got me the most, how could someone go and take all of a person's power and violate them in their most personal space? 

It just disgusts me and it made it clear for me, that this is going to be a great opportunity and that I would not only get experience but also be able to make a difference and help a lot of people in my community.

Yesterday was my last day of training and now I will begin taking phone calls on the Rape Crisis Hotline. I got my badge now, that I can wear when I have to go on out calls to the hospital, police station or court. I also got a certificate that verifies that I'm now a, "Rape Crisis Center Advocate." I'm just so proud of myself for doing this and holding on until the very end, because I'll be the first to say it, I almost quit twice. It was that difficult! Now I can help those in need and get hours towards my internship and it will all be rewarding to me. 

If you guys ever want to talk to me about your own situation, I just wanted you to know that I'm here for you, and I can loan you a hearing ear, not through the Rape Crisis Center, but as a friend. Because, from my training, now I know what it's like for someone to have to go through this. 

Thanks for reading my blog and I hope you guys have a safe weekend!

Kisses xoxo

Below I have included picture of my really cool badge and my certificate

Here is the back side of my badge. It just has my picture so that hospital staff or police officers can make sure i'm Rosey when I go on out calls. Also state some codes that protect me as an advocate and state what I can do.

This is the front side of my badge, pretty much just has my name and states that I'm an Advocate for the Rape Crisis Center :)

I apologize for the picture, I look very blah, it was taken on a Saturday morning during one of the trainings.

Here is my certificate, stating that I completed the State Certified Sexual Assault Counselor program for Advocate Training!

I'm just really excited that I can start working and start helping people. 

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Super Busy

Sorry guys! I haven't had much of a chance to come on here and let you know how life is. I have about half an hour without having to do anything so i'm updating my blog!!

I've been incredibly busy with my classes, it seems all my professors are trying to get assignments out to us in order to get them back in before spring break in a week. I really hate it when they do that! Life of a college student....

I've also been really busy going to 16 hours a week of training for my internship. I actually have my final today and then I get my state license to be able to help people. That's what all my training has been leading to and I'm really excited to get started! This most definitely is a right step in the right direction and will look amazingly good on my resume. 

I don't know about where you guys live, but here in Northern California it has been raining like crazy! I took a nap after dinner yesterday and woke up to do some homework and all of a sudden I heard huge roars and saw light flashing from behind my blinds. It sounded so loud and felt like an earthquake almost. Like the sound felt like an earthquake and almost make the house shake....almost but it really did feel like an earthquake to some degree. 
It terrified my poor Bambi as well as me, especially because it caught us off guard. 

Anyways, hope you guys are doing well and don't forget to smile!

Kisses xoxo

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Hi dolls! Yesterday was raining and I didn't really have homework that had to be done, so after class my bf and I decided to go a couple towns over. We wanted to just get out of Chico and we figured Bambi, my little baby dog needed some time out as well.

Bambi is so cute! He loves going on trips and always looks out the window and really enjoys watching the cows eat and all the amazing scenery. I can see it in his eyes and it just makes me so happy to know that he's enjoying life and it's the little things that he enjoys, not his clothes or toys... This give me appreciation for life, and also appreciation for having my bf and Bambi in my life and having them support me with school and all other aspects of my life.

Sometimes I do take things for granted, and I feel bad for saying that, but i'm not going to lie. However, when I step back and see others around me and realize that yeah, I may not have the world, but I have a family back in Santa Cruz who cares and loves me and is always there for me at a heart beat. I also have my own little family here in Chico, that is there for me regardless of what happens, and I have a working car and a home that I come to every day with food, food that not every college student is fortunate to have. When I do that I realize, hey I have an amazing life, I have what I need and some of what I want, and I'm in college so that I can my dream career. A career that will eventually pay for my dream house with huge panel windows, and is built the way I want and decorated the way I want. With hard work anyone can achieve anything, you just have to put your mind to it and dedicate yourself towards that goal. 

With that said, I hope you guys have an inspiring evening! Muah.

Kisses xoxo

Monday, February 24, 2014

Video Is Posted

So I just uploaded my video titled, "Side Braid Hair Tutorial," and I'm not completely excited about it the way I should be. It sounds very static. But I'm going to accept this and learn from it and make better videos. Live and Learn right?

Also, I was very fortunate that a friend of mine, Aj, was able to help me out and provided the music to my video. The song is amazing, and I urge you guys to go check it out, AJG & WATTZ ft. Chris Rene, "I'm So Gone." You guys can type the artist and song title onto Youtube, and it should take you to their music video. Many thanks to Aj for coming to my rescue!

Okay guys, I have to get offline and do a couple of homework assignments that are due tomorrow. Please do me a favor and go check out my new video and I'd appreciate any feedback, whether it be positive or negative..... hopefully positive.

Hope you guys have an amazing night!!

Kisses xoxo

Monday Monday Monday

Hey dolls, it's Monday!!! Usually i'm not excited about Mondays, but I did work on my video yesterday. I'm now just editing some little bits and pieces and waiting to put some music in it. I hope to upload the video some time this afternoon.

Since I had hurt my foot, I wasn't able to go to the gym lately and so I finally began going on Wednesday. I also went last night at 11pm before the gym closed. And from that experience, I have learned to not take a 3 week break from the gym!! When you eventually get back to it, your routine you were used to, won't be the same anymore. Seriously!!

So today, I have lots on my to do list, but like I always say, "One step at a time, wins the race!"

Hope you guys have a, Fabulous Monday!!!

Kisses xoxo

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Sunday Funday!!!

Hey dolls! Today is my one and only day off from school and my internship! So many things I want to do.....

So those of you who know me or have recently followed me on Instagram, know that I've started a youtube channel. Okay guys!!! I think I have found something I really like to do, be in front of the camera! I didn't know how fun and entertaining it would be, but I really like it, as well as making videos!! Hmmm... I may change my major or career choice and become a news anchor woman.... lol j.k.

I have found it very difficult to find the time to write on my blog or even make a video for my channel!! During the week I'm always on the go and when I do have a bit of time to myself, I'm usually checking updates on my Facebook and Instagram.
I want to stay consistent with my videos for myself and for my subscribers. However, I have recently come to terms with the fact that I'm not super-woman and I can't have my cake and eat it too. I have come to accept that I really only have time to make my videos on Sunday. I'm no longer going to force myself to make videos during the weekdays when I'm extremely busy. Otherwise it will take the fun out of it and make it more like a job, which I don't need at the time, I have plenty of other jobs to keep me busy for a while. My internship training will only continue for another couple weeks and then I can finally start working with clients, which will give me more free time during the week. So until then, I will create and upload videos onto my channel on, Sundays.

Writing on my blog is a lot easier than making a video, so my goal is to write at least one post for my blog per day. I just got to get myself in the habit of it. So keep checking back to see if I have posted on my blog :)

Take a wild guess what this girl is doing right after this post? Making a youtube video!!! I'm so excited!!! There are few things that make me excited, and this is one of them, so make sure to check my youtube channel later for my video. Also, thanks for those of you who have subscribed, you guys are the best!! and for that I love you subbies <33 muah!!

Kisses xoxo

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Why are people prejudice?

So lately I have been thinking about racism, prejudice and discrimination. They all intertwine with each other in one way or another. But seriously, why are people prejudice?
For example, today I was on my Facebook and on my stream was a confession from the page, Chico College Confessions that really struck me in a way that made me feel angry and made me have so many questions.
The confession stated that the anonymous person was walking downtown when he noticed that a Muslim husband and wife were walking from just picking up their lunch, minding their own business. When out of nowhere, these two "red necks" as the anonymous confessor stated, yelled towards the Muslim woman and man the words, "Sand Ni****s" and "Towel Heads." Apparently the woman cried and the mad looked sad and they just got in their car and left, while the two guys that said the derogatory words laughed it off.
After reading this I just couldn't think, I let alone couldn't put myself in those poor Muslim people's shoes....the emotions that they must have carried and suppressed in order to not cause any unnecessary trouble. We all know from the media and pretty much anywhere that minorities are treated like the criminal in whatever case, even though it may have been a caucasian whom had began the fight or whatever it is.
I just wish people would understand that we are all human and we all have feelings and emotions. We cry when we get sad, we bleed red blood when we get cut and we have families that we love and would pretty much sacrifice our own needs to help our family.
I think those guys that bullied those people downtown are ignorant, they really don't know the situation and can't generalize the entire muslim population to be bad. Yes, some people where bad and did bad stuff to America, but it doesn't mean we have to take it out on everyone who looks like those people. In the inside all they want is love, they want to give love and survive the everyday life. Everyone exists to survive and within trying to survive by eating and having a roof over our heads we attempt to fulfill a purpose in this world. Whether it be help people, bring awareness or simply help the world go round. The world wouldn't exist if there were no field workers picking our fruits and veggies that we eat on a daily basis. If there were no checkers at the grocery store we wouldn't be able to buy food, if there were no teachers to teach new students so that they could go out there and provide services the world as we know it would crumble.
Back to my point, why are people prejudice? I think people just don't know. They don't have a friend from another race that could help change their mind frame and their stereotypes to that specific group. If they could only walk a day in the life of another race that is far from their own, then and only then, I believe that these people with these pre-conceived ideas about other races will then have a change of mind and a change of heart. But until then, this world will not be at peace, not until we decide to communicate and work together and change the way we think....
Just my thoughts of the day, let me know what you think...

Kisses xoxo

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Valentine's Day Recap

So yesterday was Valentine's Day and it is one of those "corporate holidays," that I really don't mind celebrating. Any day can be Valentine's Day really, but I like the idea of it and seeing the stores filled with hearts and "I Love You" posted everywhere.
I also think it's fun! I like getting all dolled up and going on a date with my guy. He too likes the idea of Valentine's Day and takes it seriously. Which I love! Mainly because he does make a point of putting everything else on hold, to be able to spend that night with me.

My Valentine's day began like any other day. Except, I know it sounds corny but I felt that love was in the air. I was excited because this is just another excuse to pick out a cute outfit and do your hair and make up and get to spend the day with your love! 
I had school in the morning and things didn't go as planned originally. I was busy with assignment after assignments and I had to take care of that first. I didn't have the time to get ready before my classes. It was ok though because we didn't have plans until about 5pm. I got home at about 2pm and my bf gave me a gift, I opened it and it was something I've been wanting to get for awhile now. It was nail polish organizer rack!! Perfect! Just what I needed :) 

I then proceeded to take a shower and then get ready. Apparently as I was getting ready, the bf snuck out to go buy me some of my favorite chocolate and a rose! A Rose for Rosey!!!

We went to a Chinese restaurant where I ordered my fav: beef chow mien, orange chicken, sweet and sour chicken with some spring rolls! 
I was actually glad we decided to eat at the Chinese restaurant, it was busier than any other day but what people were really ordering was Sushi!!! and guess what?! I HATE SUSHI!!! I don't like it one bit! I just find it very un-appetizing and I don't know......raw fish doesn't really sound good to me! My boyfriend feels the exact same way about Sushi as I do, so it worked out perfectly. Dinner was amazing, the restaurant was beautiful and our table was candle lit. We were sat in a room with about four other tables, so it wasn't loud at all. The whole vibe was romance and love! It was a very romantic night!
We were going to go see the movie starring, Kevin Hart, About Last Night, but I was already exhausted from my long week that I told my boyfriend that I wasn't up for the movies. We decided to go home and watch a movie on Netflix!
Before we went home, we stopped by at, U Swirl Frozen Yogurt. I was too tired to go inside and the bf was sweet enough to go inside and get me a cup of my favorite yogurt with my favorite toppings! We ate it there in the parking lot while we shared laughs and stories about our day!

I had an amazing Valentine's Day with an amazing person, and yes I agree, Valentine's Day shouldn't exist to remind you to spend time together. The bf and I spend numerous dates together just like this but something about Valentine's Day makes it extra special. Maybe knowing that all the couples out there are also experiencing love and spending time with their significant other gives off a strong vibe and makes the experience memorable!

Here are some pictures from yesterday, Valentine's Day <3

Besitos xoxo

Here, I'm wearing a floral print skater skirt with a basic maroon tank top. I wore black opaque tights since it was a little bit cold outside. To top of my look I wore a black knit cardigan sweater.

Just a close up of my hair and make up, I'm wearing a necklace from forever 21 that I hadn't worn before. I chose to wear it last night because it really completed my outfit!

The rose and chocolate that my boyfriend snuck out of the house to get me. 
He's such a sweetheart =)

This is the delicious dinner we had, if you didn't know before, you do now, I LOVE Chinese food! Except Sushi....yuck!!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Busy Like a Bee

I'm on my fourth week in with the semester and my schedule is quickly filling up! It's a love hate relationship with my schedule. Ohhh god, where do I begin? I love being busy and staying productive, especially if this is going to help me with my future. On other hand, I have limited time and it's been difficult to balance my schedule out lately, especially this week, where it seemed everything happened all at once including two unexpected appointments.
I'm a full-time student and i'm a part-time intern. I have to balance that out with homework, my bf and my dog as well as all the other daily tasks that need to be taken care of. I'm starting to feel the symptoms that come along with stress....
Needless to say, I can't wait until this weekend is here!! On Saturday I have 8 hours of training, but I feel as though the rest of the weekend will be filled with much needed relaxation and sleep.

Ohhh and Valentine's Day is tomorrow =D 

I'll be posting up my Valentine's Day outfit tomorrow, but if you haven't figured out what to wear yet, here are some ideas from yours truly xo

I love this outfit, it's casual but nice. This is perfect if you have school tomorrow and you don't want to go to class over-dressed. All you would have to do after class is whip out your favorite red lipstick and apply it right before you meet your date.

These sweaters and shirts are also perfect to wear tomorrow for good old Valentine's Day. Very cash and super cute! You can't go wrong.

Okay... I just threw these in here, because I LOVE THEM!! Aren't they cute? Totally cute for whenever, or for tomorrow's special occasion. Given, if it's sunny and bright outside where you live :)

This outfit is super adorable! It's not over the top and really flirty and perfect for Valentine's Day! The off-white peplum shirt goes perfectly with the coral skirt and flats. The bra is cute and goes well with the outfit, it's not necessary, but if you have a boyfriend, i'm sure they will be thanking you later ;)

Well there you have it guys, I hope these outfits give you an idea of what to wear tomorrow if you have yet to find an outfit.

Besitos xoxo
Rosey <3

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

R.I.P. Shirley Temple :(

I was saddened when I found out Shirley Temple passed away today. I was at school and found out through my Instagram. Isn't it amazing how social media sites are now our outlet for breaking news?
Finding out about Shirley Temple's death just brought on a wave of memories of when I was a little girl. When I was about 8 years old my parents would take us (my sisters and I), to the local library, which I loved! It was like, kid heaven! So many books and so many movies to check out. I believe the limit was about 5 videos for checkout, and my sisters and I got to choose which ones we wanted to see. They were all children appropriate movies of course, the upstair part of the library was strictly for children books and movies. 
I remember there were a bunch of Shirley Temple videos and we would always pick those and watch them over and over throughout the years. Shirley was such an idol for my sisters and I. We really looked up to her and wanted to be just like her. A girl that can tap dance and sing, she was everything to us at time. My sisters and I would watch the movies with my parents and I remember we would try to re-enact Shirley's tap dancing. Oh My God!!! We were definitely not tap dancing material, but god was that fun!!! 
Looking back and thinking about these moments, really makes me miss those times. Those times when my family would all watch the same movies and hang out and laugh and eat ice cream drumsticks. Sometimes I wish I could go back in time and re-live those moment again with my family. Spending time with my sisters, whom I love so much! We are still closer than ever, but on a different level. We have grown up and are all different but very similar. Don't get me wrong, we still spend lots of time together, my sisters are my best friends, but when we get together watch movies nowadays there are more people added to the equation. I have an amazing baby nephew now, and my boyfriend as well as my sisters' boyfriends come along and watch movies with us too.
All I can say is, cherish those moments you have with your family, because it will not be the same again and it may be the last time you have times like those. You will still have family times but they will be different and not a bad different, but nonetheless, different. 

Thank you Shirley Temple for bringing my family together and keeping us entertained with you quirky personality. May you rest in peace <33

Besitos xoxo

Just Your Ordinary Intro...

So for my first blog post, I wanted to keep it very simple and just let you guys know a little about me. My name is Rosey and I'm from Northern California where it's mostly sunny for most of the year, even in the winter.... I'm currently a full-time student and i'm a part-time intern. i'm in the progress of getting my B.A. in Psychology. One more year left!! I have a boyfriend who adores me so much, he simply is the best and treats me like a princess!! I also have a dog, who to me is like my baby!! His name is Bambi! He also has a ton of other names I call him, but his adopted name is Bambi. I chose the name because he really did look like the little baby deer in the movie, Bambi :) 

Below I will post a few picture from my most recent tutorial, Lana Del Rey Inspired Tutorial.

Go check it out and let me know what you guys think and comment on what type of video I should do next :)

Kisses xoxo